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Pennsylvania Railroad
Technical and Historical Society

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2025 Annual Meeting

(our 57th)

Wednesday, May 14, 2025 - Saturday, May 18, 2025

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Hosted by the New England and Long Island Chapters, PRRT&HS

The New England and Long Island Chapters welcome you to the PRRT&HS 57th Annual Meeting. The event site is the Sheraton Harrisburg | Hershey Hotel – the same location as our 2022 annual meeting. The hotel is near many restaurants, local attractions, and minutes away from downtown Harrisburg.

We have put together programs covering preservation of nearby “HARRIS” Tower and the PRR Harrisburg Power Director’s Office; history of various locomotives, freight cars, and facilities; updates on locomotive preservation projects including K4s #1361, Long Island Rail Road G5s #35 and #39 and construction of T1 #5550; modeling aspects of the PRR; and tips on researching the PRR.

Come and join us in Harrisburg where you are surrounded by the former Pennsylvania Railroad.

Please Register Now!

Countdown to Harrisburg
Countdown to Harrisburg


We welcome any member of PRRT&HS and your family members. Here are directions on how to register and links to online registration or a form that you can download and mail in.

To register, you must be a member of PRRT&HS. If you are not currently a member of PRRT&HS, you can join by clicking on this button:


You may also register up to five members of your family for no additional registration fee. You will have to pay the appropriate charge per person for each optional activity in which they may want to participate.

Note that in order to register a member of your family, you must first make them a Family Member under your membership account. Follow these instructions to add them to your membership:

  1. If you have not already done so, log into your PRRT&HS online account in the normal manner.
  2. Hover the mouse pointer over your name in the upper right corner of the window, then click on the "Profile" item that appears in the menu that will drop down.
  3. In the bottom left corner of your profile that comes up, click on the "Additional Members in Your Account" link in the "More Membership Options" group.
  4. In the "Additional Members in Your Account" page that comes up, click on the "Add" button (the green circle with a white plus sign in it).
  5. Fill out the information in the boxes that are presented. Note: If a box has a red dot next to it, it is required information and must be filled in.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each family member you wish to add.
  7. Then click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the pop-up panel. Note: You may have to scroll down the panel in order to find the "Save" and "Cancel" buttons.

Once you have followed the above instructions for each member you wish to register along with yourself, you may proceed to register.

We accept both credit cards and checks for payment, but how you register is different between them, as follows:

  • If you wish to pay by credit card, you must register online. Note: You must first be logged in to your online account to gain access to the registration process.
  • If you wish to pay by check, you must mail your check along with either the paper registration form you received in the mail or the form you can download by clicking on the "Download Registration Form" button below, to this address:


P.O. Box 640515

Pittsburgh, PA 15264-0515

If you have any questions or need further information, send an email to:

We look forward to seeing you in Harrisburg!

Home Register for event Download registration form

Activities Schedule

Click on date below to expand it to see what is happening on that date.

Each swim lane in a day's schedule represents one of our rooms and is color-coded to the coloring of the rooms on the Hotel Floor Plan, so that you can easily determine the location of the room for your desired activity.

Schedules are subject to change, so check back on a regular basis.

Activity Descriptions

Click on an activity below to expand it to see more about it.

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THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2025
THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2025
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FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2025
FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2025

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SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2025
SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2025

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SUNDAY, MAY 18, 2025
SUNDAY, MAY 18, 2025

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Hotel Floor Plan
Hotel Floor Plan

Click here to see bigger schedules suitable for display on mobile devices or if you just want to see a bigger image.

Hotel Information

Sheraton Harrisburg | Hershey Hotel

4650 Lindle Road (PA 441), Harrisburg, PA 17111


Special Room Group Rate for our event.

Additional hotel information can be found here.


To help you to plan your finances for the meeting this year, here are the costs of some of our activities:
  • Hotel Special Group Rate – $149 per night plus taxes (currently 11%), booked by April 18.
  • Annual Meeting registration – $50 per family (family members free)
  • Annual Meeting Non-Member registration – $90 per family (includes 1-year PRRT&HS membership)
  • Late Membership Renewal – $60 (Includes $40 dues and $20 late fee)
  • Friday Alternate Trip – A Day on Chocolate Ave. – Pay your admission at attractions you enter and any food or drinks you buy.
  • Saturday Jewelry-Making Get Together – $15 in advance for materials.
  • Saturday Evening Banquet – $42 to $64 per person for entrée plus cash bar.
  • Vendor Tables – $35 each (6 to 8 ft with skirt)
  • Purchases in the Vendor Room – That one’s up to you!
Check the individual sections for details

Thursday, May 15 – Pennsylvania State Archives Tour in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

This tour is designed for members who expect to visit the Archives in the future to conduct their own research. The facility is one of the largest repositories of PRR records. Hosted by Joe Acri, assisted by Matt Hurst and Ted Culotta, participants will visit the exhibit room, the scanner room for a demo, and the storage room where railroad records are kept. To be admitted, your Annual Meeting badge, a ticket, and your photo ID are required. There are two tours and a short waiting list. Choose your preference for 9am to noon, 1pm to 4pm, or either tour. The maximum capacity is 12 members per tour, 24 total, and a limit of 1 per registration. Free parking available.

Visit for complete details. 

Friday, May 16 – Alternate Trip – A Day on Chocolate Avenue

Pick-up at the hotel lobby at 8:15am. First stop is at the Hershey Story Museum where you learn about Milton Hershey, his life, and how he became a chocolatier. Next is an “at your own pace” stroll down Chocolate Ave. exploring the many quaint shops (it ain’t just chocolate). Lunch will be at the Rotunda Brew Pub. After, we visit the Hidden Still Spirits Distillery featuring Bourbon, Vodka, and Gin (mmm fun!). We finish with a stop at Hershey Gardens and Butterfly Atrium, returning to the hotel 4:30-5pm. Costs are on your own during the trip. Museum is $16.50 ($15.50 seniors) per person with additional charge for tasting. Hershey Gardens is $16.50 ($15.50 seniors) – Maximum number of participants is 13. Your Annual Meeting badge and a ticket are required. Visit for complete details.

Saturday, May 17 – Jewelry-Making Get Together

A repeat of our successful event at the 56th Annual Meeting, led by Carol Trunzo and Pauletta Ader. Maximum 13 participants, cost of $15. Your Annual Meeting badge and a ticket are required. Visit for complete details.

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AFTER BANQUET PRESENTATION - Mitch Dakelman, Director of Media Services for the NRHS, and author of several books
AFTER BANQUET PRESENTATION - Mitch Dakelman, Director of Media Services for the NRHS, and author of several books
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BUSINESS MEETING - Dave Evans, PRRT&HS President
BUSINESS MEETING - Dave Evans, PRRT&HS President
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FORUM: RESEARCH FOR PRR MODELING - John Frantz, Matt Hurst, and Bruce Smith
FORUM: RESEARCH FOR PRR MODELING - John Frantz, Matt Hurst, and Bruce Smith
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PRR NEW YORK DIVISION - Edward M. Koehler, railroad historian and NYFD Honoary Battalion Chief
PRR NEW YORK DIVISION - Edward M. Koehler, railroad historian and NYFD Honoary Battalion Chief
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RESTORATION OF “HARRIS” TOWER – Dan Rapak, Project Engineer, HARRIS Tower Simulation System, Harrisburg Chapter, NRHS
RESTORATION OF “HARRIS” TOWER – Dan Rapak, Project Engineer, HARRIS Tower Simulation System, Harrisburg Chapter, NRHS
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ONGOING RESTORATION OF PRR'S HARISBURG POWER DIRECTOR'S OFFICE - Jim Nowotarski, Project Engineer for Power Director's Office, Harrisburg Chapter, NRHS
ONGOING RESTORATION OF PRR'S HARISBURG POWER DIRECTOR'S OFFICE - Jim Nowotarski, Project Engineer for Power Director's Office, Harrisburg Chapter, NRHS
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THE MP54 FAMILY - Bruce Smith, PRRT&HS Modeling and Paint Committees
THE MP54 FAMILY - Bruce Smith, PRRT&HS Modeling and Paint Committees
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MY PANHANDLE BRIDGE OBSESSION - George Pandelios, author, modeler, and Wierton Area Museum Board
MY PANHANDLE BRIDGE OBSESSION - George Pandelios, author, modeler, and Wierton Area Museum Board
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MODELING THE MIDDLE DIVISION - Neal Schorr, modeler and author
MODELING THE MIDDLE DIVISION - Neal Schorr, modeler and author
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MODELING THE PRR IN LEGO - Cle Leiphart, LEGO modeler and Rapido Graphic Artist
MODELING THE PRR IN LEGO - Cle Leiphart, LEGO modeler and Rapido Graphic Artist
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PRR'S K4SA CLASS - Matthew Hurst
PRR'S K4SA CLASS - Matthew Hurst
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EARLY STEEL GONDOLAS OF THE PRR - Ian Fischer, PRR historian and author
EARLY STEEL GONDOLAS OF THE PRR - Ian Fischer, PRR historian and author
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ANATOMY OF A PRR COALING STATION - Jack Consoli, TKM Associate Editor and PRRT&HS Board
ANATOMY OF A PRR COALING STATION - Jack Consoli, TKM Associate Editor and PRRT&HS Board
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UPDATE ON K4S 1361 AND Q&A - Joe DeFrancesco, Executive Director, Railroaders Memorial Museum
UPDATE ON K4S 1361 AND Q&A - Joe DeFrancesco, Executive Director, Railroaders Memorial Museum
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PROGRESS ON BUILDING T1 5550 - Scott McGill, Chief Mechanical Officer, and Jason Johnson, Marketing and Engineering Committees, T1 Trust
PROGRESS ON BUILDING T1 5550 - Scott McGill, Chief Mechanical Officer, and Jason Johnson, Marketing and Engineering Committees, T1 Trust
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STEAM UP LIRR #39 PROJECT UPDATE - Don Fisher, President of Railroad Museum of Long Island, and Timothy Barger of the Strasburg Rail Road Co.
STEAM UP LIRR #39 PROJECT UPDATE - Don Fisher, President of Railroad Museum of Long Island, and Timothy Barger of the Strasburg Rail Road Co.
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THE OYSTER BAY RAILROAD MUSEUM AND LIRR #35 - Ronnie Schnepf, OBRM Board member and Chairman of the Locomotive #35 Committee
THE OYSTER BAY RAILROAD MUSEUM AND LIRR #35 - Ronnie Schnepf, OBRM Board member and Chairman of the Locomotive #35 Committee

The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania and the Strasburg Rail Road

Consider allowing extra time on your way to or from the PRRT&HS Annual Meeting to visit Strasburg, PA, to visit these stellar attractions. They are 46 miles (about 1 hour) southeast of our hotel. The RMPA has the largest collection of PRR locomotives and cars and is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. The Strasburg Rail Road is the oldest shortline railroad in the U.S. and has been transporting patrons back in time since the 1960s. Both attractions are on opposite sides of Gap Road (PA 741) just east of Strasburg, PA. For more information including hours and admission prices, visit and

Model Railroad Layout Open Houses

Several area model railroads will be open for visits on Friday, May 16, and Sunday, May 18. A detailed list will be available on the web site at and in print at Registration. Coordinated by John Frantz.

PRR “HARRIS” Tower & Museum and PRR Power Director’s Office in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

“HARRIS” Tower was opened by the PRR in 1930 and controlled trackage on the north side of Harrisburg Station. The Power Director’s Office (PDO) inside Amtrak’s Harrisburg Station once controlled power to the overhead catenary from Harrisburg and Enola to the suburbs west of Philadelphia. Both locations, operated by the Harrisburg Chapter of the NRHS, will be open from 8am to 2pm on Sunday, May 18 for Annual Meeting attendees. The “HARRIS” Tower simulation will be running and will start at 8. Be sure to wear your badge. Both locations are 6¾ miles (about 11 minutes) west of our hotel. For directions to both, visit Be sure to attend presentations on both locations during the Annual Meeting. Detailed information will be on the web site and in print at Registration. Free parking is available adjacent to Harris Tower and on the street near the Harrisburg Station for the PDO. Donations to support the restoration efforts of these two historic PRR facilities are encouraged during your visit.

PRRT&HS Archives Open House, Lewistown Station, 50 Helen Street, Lewistown, PA

The PRRT&HS Archives is in the former PRR Lewistown Station, believed to be one of the oldest surviving structures built by the PRR. It is 63 miles (about 1 hour) northwest of our hotel via US 22. You’ll have a chance to see the interior of the structure and the Society’s repository of PRR records and research materials. Hours are from noon to 4pm on Sunday, May 18 for annual meeting attendees. Your Annual Meeting badge is required, and you must sign the Visitors’ Log in the station waiting room upon arrival. Visit for more details.  Coordinated by Rich Ader.

Have items to donate for the Lewistown Archives? Please mark them “Lewistown” with your name and address and hand them to volunteers at the PRRT&HS Table in the Vendor Room during normal hours. They must be dropped off no later than 3pm on Saturday. You may also drop them off at the Archives on Sunday if you plan to attend the open house.

Vendor Room

Commonwealth Ballroom – Lobby Level

Looking for that rare car kit or locomotive?  How about a rule book or employee timetable?  A nice piece of art?  A lantern or station sign?

Hundreds of things like these will be available in the Vendor Room.  Raffle prizes will also be displayed in the vendor room, with tickets sold at the PRRT&HS table. The Raffle will start at the Banquet on Saturday evening after dinner.  Check the Main Program Outline to the left for location and times.


We will have many 6-8 foot tables, with skirts, available at $35 each.

The Vendor Room schedule is as follows:
  • Set-up Only (no sales) – Thursday, May 15 – 1pm to 9:30pm with a 5-7pm dinner break.
  • Set-up Only (no sales) – Friday, May 16 – 8am to 9am.
  • Open for Sales – Friday, May 16 – 9am to 9:30pm with a 5-7pm dinner break.
  • Open for Sales – Saturday, May 17 – 10am to 3pm.
  • Tear Down – Saturday, May 17 – 3-4pm.
24-hour security will be provided from 1pm Thursday until 4pm Saturday. Vendor Room will be closed for dinner 5-7pm on Thursday and Friday

Purchase  your tables at  the registration page on our website, or  the Registration Form.  You can also write any special requests on there as well.

Annual Business Meeting and Election

Annual Business Meeting

The society's annual business meeting will be held on Saturday morning, May 17, 2024, at 9:00 am in Meeting Room Elm / Fir (with overflow in adjacent Meeting Rooms Chestnut / Dogwood at the Sheraton Harrisburg | Hershey Hotel, 4650 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111.

Annual Business Meeting Proxy

If you cannot attend the annual business meeting, please complete a proxy.  Details can be found at the bottom of this page.

Annual Election

On the agenda this year is the re-election of Matt Hurst to a three-year term and Pauletta Ader and Jack Consoli to one-year terms. Here are their biographies:

Matthew A. Hurst (3 years – term limited in 2027)

Matthew is an avid modeler and historian. His love of the Pennsylvania Railroad stems from witnessing 7002 and 1223 operate at Strasburg Railroad in the 1980s. He has presented clinics at numerous prototype modelers meets as well as PRRT&HS meetings and has had a number of articles published on modeling. In the past, Matthew has worked with numerous manufacturers and importers to bring out many prototype PRR products in HO scale; and now as member of the PRRT&HS Modeling Committee, he is continuing to work with manufacturers on a number of different commercial modeling projects. And since his initial term on the Board of Directors, he has been endeavoring to bring more like-minded individuals to the PRRT&HS and helping to spread awareness of the PRRT&HS's resources. In addition to railroad modeling and railroad history, his hobbies include studying American history, photography, target shooting, and playing trombone.

Pauletta Ader (1 year)

Pauletta joined the Board of Directors in 2024. She has been a very active member of the archive team and has worked in support of many annual meetings including those in 2015, 2018, 2024, and 2025. She has provided considerable support to the management of the society over the past three years.

Jack Consoli (1 year)

Jack, a prior director of the PRRT&HS, re-joined the board in 2024. He is a very active member of the modeling committee, assistant editor of The Keystone Modeler, and is a major contributor to that publication and The Keystone. Jack has been providing corporate knowledge to the board that was lost with the retirements of Joe Acri and Steve Staffieri in 2024.


It is important not only for you, but also for the society, that you submit a proxy vote if you will NOT be attending the business meeting itself. Not only can you vote on the directors up for election, it will also help us reach the quorum requirement for the Annual Business Meeting, which is necessary to satisfy state requirements.

Any active member who will NOT be attending the annual business meeting and would like to vote on the director candidates may do so by completing the Proxy. You can do this electronically on-line by clicking the On-Line Proxy button below, or you can mail-in the proxy form that can be downloaded below. Please note that if you received a registration packet in the mail, you will find a proxy form enclosed within it.

Filled out proxy forms should be mailed to this address:

P.O. Box 640515
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-0515

Submit ONLY an online proxy OR a mailed-in proxy form.


Vote now by proxy   Download proxy form

Model Room

Commonwealth Ballroom Salon C

PRRT&HS is so fortunate to have so many excellent modelers who like to bring examples of their work to our annual meetings for our enjoyment.  

Model Room Hours

Thursday, May 15

7pm to 9:30pm
Open for Set-up

Friday, May 16
8am to 5pm

5pm to 7pm
Closed for Dinner

7pm to 9:30pm

Saturday, May 17
10am to 3pm

2pm to 3pm
“Meet the Modeler”

3pm to 3:30pm
All models must be removed

Come on down and feast your eyes on the wonderful expressions of our railroad in miniature.

Shall we take a look at some prior years' models to whet our appetite?  Also click on the button to find out more information about the Model Room.

Learn more

Layout Tours

Some of our members will be graciously opening their layouts for those who are interested in viewing their layouts.

Click here to see some descriptions and pictures of these layouts.

There will be two layout tour sessions, Friday from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm and Sunday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Hours may vary by individual layout.  Click on the button below to see detailed information on the layouts.

Carpooling is requested so that we don't fill up the streets with all of our cars.

Activities for Spouses

Friday, May 16 – Alternate Trip – A Day on Chocolate Avenue

Pick-up at the hotel lobby at 8:15am. First stop is at the Hershey Story Museum where you learn about Milton Hershey, his life, and how he became a chocolatier. Next is an “at your own pace” stroll down Chocolate Ave. exploring the many quaint shops (it ain’t just chocolate). Lunch will be at the Rotunda Brew Pub. After, we visit the Hidden Still Spirits Distillery featuring Bourbon, Vodka, and Gin (mmm fun!). We finish with a stop at Hershey Gardens and Butterfly Atrium, returning to the hotel 4:30-5pm. Costs are on your own during the trip. Museum is $16.50 ($15.50 seniors) per person with additional charge for tasting. Hershey Gardens is $16.50 ($15.50 seniors) – Maximum number of participants is 13. Your Annual Meeting badge and a ticket are required. Visit for complete details.

Saturday, May 17 – Jewelry-Making Get-Together

A repeat of our successful event at the 56th Annual Meeting, led by Carol Trunzo and Pauletta Ader. Maximum 13 participants, cost of $15. Your Annual Meeting badge and a ticket are required. Visit for complete details.

Local Attractions

The Harrisburg area has a lot of things for people to do.  Get away for a little bit of fun.  Learn about history and view fine art. Or... grab a great dinner.

Check out some local attractions here.

Important Information

(The fine print)

It is important for you to know that…

  • To attend any of the functions, events, or meals at the Annual Meeting, one must be a member of the PRRT&HS. Members of a member’s family can easily become a Family Member at no cost, which qualifies them. This must be done before they can register for the Annual Meeting. You can do this yourself by visiting your Profile in your online account, clicking on the Add family member link and filling in the appropriate information.
  • You may view our cancellation policy for our Annual Meeting registration here.

Register for event
Download Registration Form

Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
Copyright 2023 PRRT&HS, All Rights reserved