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Pennsylvania Railroad
Technical and Historical Society

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Home2025 AM Jewelry

Jewelry-Making Get-Together

Saturday, May 17

A repeat of our successful event at the 56th Annual Meeting, led by Carol Trunzo and Pauletta Ader. They will lead a fun time in which you make some earrings to take home with you.

This will happen from 10:30am to 12:30pm in the Hemlock Meeting Room on the lower level beneath the Commonwealth Ballroom.

Maximum 13 participants, cost of $15. Also, jewelry-making tools will be available, but if you have your own, feel free to bring them.

Your Annual Meeting badge and a ticket are required.

Meeting Information

Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
Copyright 2023 PRRT&HS, All Rights reserved