Pictures from Our PRRT&HS 2024 Annual Meeting
We had a fun time in Altoona from May 8th to May 11th. Here are some pictures from the event.
Click here to see pictures of presentations.
Click here to see pictures of the Saturday morning breakfast.
Click here to see pictures of the business meeting.
Click here to see pictures of some of the models in the model room.
Click here to see pictures from the Saturday afternoon barbecue.
Click here to see pictures of 1361 and other projects at the Railroaders Memorial Museum.
Click here to see pictures of T1 5550's frame.
And, of course, it wouldn't be a PRRT&HS Annual Meeting without Ken Briers and his PRR pickup truck:

Some people expressed a preference that their names not be revealed, so I am not applying labels to the pictures yet. If you would like you name to appear in a picture's label, just email and let me know your name and which picture you're in.
Also, if you have some pictures from our time at Altoona that you'd like to contribute to this collection, email them to