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Pennsylvania Railroad
Technical and Historical Society

>>> TKM No. 129 - Summer 2024 Published <<<

Home2024 Annual Meeting - Pictures - Business Meeting

Pictures of the 2024 Business Meeting

The 2024 business meeting was held Saturday morning.

If you appear in any of these pictures and wish to have your name appear in that picture's label, send an email to indicating which picture(s) it is.

If you took any pictures of the meeting yourself and wish to have them appear here, attach them to an email to

President Dave Evans presiding

Your 2024 Board of Directors: (l/r) John Frantz, Rich Ader, Pauletta Ader, Jim Trunzo, Joe Costa, Jack Consoli, Matthew Hurst, Dave Evans, Tim Garner

New Directors for 2024: (l/r) Pauletta Ader, Joe Costa, Jack Consoli

Dave Evans and Joe Costa

Joe DeFrancesco, Executive Director of Railroaders Memorial Museum


Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
Copyright 2023 PRRT&HS, All Rights reserved