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Keystone Vol 49 #2 -Summer 2016
Keystone Vol 49 #2 -Summer 2016
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US$ 10.00   

Summer 2016 issue of The Keystone

Keystone News

  • Two Ex-PRR GP-9 in Operation in Pennsylvania
  • T1 Trust Casts Boxpok Driver
  • Virginia Avenue Tunnel Reconstruction
  • MW Service X23 at Railway Museum
  • Dave Scott Receives PRR Bell Award

The PRR in Juniata County, Pa, Part 1

PRR Shops and Yards at Dennison, Ohio, Part 2 of 2

Nope! No More Model Railroads for Me

F31a Flat Cars and Foamite Cars

Society Services

End Markers

Book Review

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Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
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