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Hasting's PRR Portrait
Hasting's PRR Portrait
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US$ 20.00   
Phillip R. Hastings - Portrait of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Photographs from the Collection of the California State Railroad Museum

By Douglas M. Nelson, 2002

This book was originally published by Pine Tree Press in autumn 2002 and has been generously donated by them to the Society for future sales.

This is a 9 ¾" x 11" landscape format 130 page hardbound book, with dust jacket, of over 140 of Philip’s most outstanding black and white photos of the PRR in action.

The photos are organized into five sections with each section having color maps depicting the territory. His photos not only capture trains in action but also the people, surrounding buildings and landscape. This is one of the finest B&W photograph books documenting the PRR in its heyday.

ISBN 0-9640356-7-7

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Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
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