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Technical and Historical Society

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Pictures of Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum Projects

The Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum graciously opened their courtyard and doors to PRRT&HS Annual Meeting attendees to come in and view the museum's exhibits and also the projects underway in their roundhouse.

The big news from the museum is that K4s 1361's tender has been painted, and very nicely, too. There's also been work done on 1361 itself since the last time I was there. And Mountain View appears to have some work done on it as well.

Here's some pictures from inside the roundhouse.

If you have any pictures from either the roundhouse or inside the museum itself that you would like added to these, please attach them to an email to

Executive Director Joe DeFrancesco parks the museum's Mack fire truck at the end of the day.

1361's pilot and steam chests

1361's drivers and observation car Mountain View

1361's newly-painted tender

1361's boiler

Rear part of 1361's frame

The team that painted 1361's tender with the product of their efforts

1361's boiler

Forward part of 1361's frame


Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
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