Age of Steam Roundhouse Tour
Thursday, May 18, 2023
The tour is limited to 108 passengers and includes transportation, roundhouse admission and buffet lunch.
Cost $100 per person
Click on the picture below to learn more.

Model Room
Metro Room
PRRT&HS is so fortunate to have so many excellent modellers who like to bring examples of their work to our annual meetings for our enjoyment. (Plus, if they win, they get bragging rights for the next year.) The room is open all day Friday and Saturday morning, so come on down and feast your eyes on the wonderful expressions of our railroad in miniature.
Shall we take a look at some prior years' models to whet our appetite? Also click on the button to find out more information about the Model Room.

Banquet and Awards
The penultimate event of our time together is the Saturday evening banquet. Join us for a sumptuous feast and happy conversation with good friends. And then listen to our guest speaker. Afterwards, stick around for the presentation of awards and the announcement of the winners of our raffle prizes.
The meal choices this year are:
- Grilled Salmon with Citrus Butter
- Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Bourbon Bacon Apple Butter
- Cauliflower Steak with Caramelized Fennel and Artichoke Hearts (vegetarian selection)
You can make your selection when you register on our website or on your registration form, which you can download from
here if you don't already have one.
Our guest speaker will be Albert Churella, PhD, whose talk, entitled, "Go West , Young [Railroad] Man" (with apologies to Horace Greeley), will focus on the developments that occurred on Lines West, in both the 19th and the 20th centuries, that affected the PRR as a whole -- everything from the route structure and the financing of the Fort Wayne and the Pan Handle to the role of Lines West in motive-power development, to the influence of executives such as McCrea, Atterbury, and Symes.
Dr. Churella earned his B.A. in economics from Haverford College and his M.A. and Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. His research focuses on transportation history and transportation policy, with particular emphasis on the relationship between the railroads and the regulatory state. His publications include From Steam to Diesel: Managerial Customs and Organizational Capabilities in the Twentieth-Century American Locomotive Industry (Princeton University Press, 1998) and The Pennsylvania Railroad: Volume 1, Building an Empire, 1846–1917 (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013), as well as articles in the Business History Review, Enterprise & Society, and other publications. Dr. Churella is currently working on the second and final volume of the complete history of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which between 1881 and 1901 was the world's largest private corporation.
Vendor Room
Looking for that rare car kit or locomotive? How about a rule book or employee timetable? A nice piece of art? A lantern or station sign?
Hundreds of things like these will be available in the Vendor Room. Check the Main Program Outline to the left for location and times.
We will have 100 tables available. Set up on Thursday and Friday morning. Tear down is on Saturday afternoon. Check the Main Program Outline to the left for times.
Purchase your tables at the
registration page (replace with actual link) on our website, or use the
registration form. You can also write any special requests on there as well.
more vendor info
For those who would like to enjoy an activity that is not railroad oriented, we will be offering an alternate tour to the Columbus Museum of Art. This excursion will leave the hotel at 10:00 am on Thursday, May 18th, and travel to downtown Columbus to drop you off at the museum. You will casually tour the exhibits at your own pace before boarding our tour bus at 4:00 pm to return to the hotel. Dining IS NOT included with this tour, but the Schokko Café is open for onsite dining. Click the following link to see the cafe menu. Please note that seating in the cafe is limited and they ask us to stagger our lunch times.
The museum is presenting two special exhibits, and admission to these are included in your tour price. Click
here to learn more about the special exhibits.
Dublin is a suburb of Columbus, which, as the capitol of Ohio and its largest city, has plenty of things for you to do there. Here are some nearby attractions that you or your spouse might enjoy visiting:
Annual Business Meeting and Election
Annual Business Meeting
The society's annual business meeting will be held on Saturday morning, May 20, 2023, at 9:00 am in the Riverside Room at the Embassy Suites, 5100 Upper Metro Place, Dublin, Ohio 43017.
Annual Business Meeting Proxy
If you cannot attend the annual business meeting, please complete a proxy. Details can be found at the bottom of this page.
Annual Election
On the agenda this year is the re-election of one director and the election of two new directors. The biographies of the three candidates are provided below:
Tim Garner – Director since 2020
Tim Garner born in Washington, DC, has been a fan of the PRR since the early 1960s. He has been a member of the PRRT&HS for 31 years and is one of the founders of the New England Chapter of which he has been the Secretary for the past 15 years. He has contributed several paintings and articles to The Keystone of which he served as news editor for a time. He is the founding editor of The East Wind, the chapters quarterly emagazine now in its 16th year. Tim has been the Art Director for The Keystone Modeler since 2009 and has featured some of his excellent modeling work. He has spoken at the PRRT&HS Annual Meetings and has served as its registrar twice and likes to volunteer at the Lewistown Archives. He was a summer train attendant for Amtrak in 1978 and worked the Broadway Limited-Washington section three times. Tim lives with his family in Marlborough, Massachusetts.
William (Bill) Neale - 2023 Nominee
Bill is a researcher, historian, and dedicated model railroader with an almost singular focus on the Pennsylvania Railroad west of Pittsburgh. He has been published in Rail Model Journal, Model Railroader, Model Railroad Planning and Great Model Railroads. He has also written articles for the regional NMRA, national NMRA and PRR historical Society publications, and is a regular contributor to several web-based groups.
Bill enjoys giving clinics at NMRA conventions and RPM meets every year. Bill has also served at both the regional and national levels of the NMRA, and currently serves on the National NMRA Board of Directors as the Midwest regional director. (Bill’s NMRA Director term expires in July)
He has constructed a moderate sized HO railroad working from historical documents and photographs, creating a fairly accurate representation of the PRR Panhandle Division as it was in September of 1939. This was when over 100 trains rolled across the Ohio River at Weirton Junction, and all were steam powered! The model railroad was featured in the 2010 Great Model Railroads magazine. Bill’s perspective on the hobby: When you share what you know, no matter how little, many good things happen. First, you may help someone who is struggling with the same problems you have already solved. Second, every time you share your knowledge of almost any subject, you’ll get new information in return. Always be open to learning more. And third and most importantly, you might make a new friend.
James (Jim) E. Trunzo - 2023 Nominee
Jim's interest in serving as a director is to participate in the long-term management of the Society with a goal to enhance member experience. He has been a PRRT&HS member since 1999 and has served as the Donations Administrator since 2013 and also the Membership Coordinator since 2022. In 2013, Jim founded the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the PRRT&HS and serves as its President.
He is a retired Metallurgical Engineer with executive management experience, and also with extensive Director experience in profit and non-profit organizations. He is a graduate of the Course “Boards that make a difference – A new design for Leadership in Nonprofit and Public Organizations”.
He is an Air Force veteran and in addition to his interests in all things PRR, is a model railroader, a restorer of tube radios and antique cars.
It is important not only for you, but also for the society, that you submit a proxy vote if you will NOT be attending the business meeting itself. Not only can you vote on the directors up for election, it will also help us reach the quorum requirement for the Annual Business Meeting, which is necessary to satisfy state requirements.
Any active member who will NOT be attending the annual business meeting and would like to vote on the director candidates may do so by completing the Proxy. You can do this electronically on-line by clicking the On-Line Proxy button below, or you can mail-in the proxy form that can be downloaded below. Please note that if you received a registration packet in the mail, you will find a proxy form enclosed within it.
Filled out proxy forms should be mailed to this address:
P.O. Box 640515
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-0515
Submit ONLY an online proxy OR a mailed-in proxy form.
Layout Op Sessions and Tours
Some of our members will be graciously opening up their layouts for those who are interested in either viewing or operating their layouts. Click
here to see some descriptions and pictures of these layouts.
There are two ways to visit these layouts, depending upon how their owners have presented them.
- The layout is open for viewing only. These layouts may be visited on Sunday at your leisure during the stated hours.
- You may join in an operating session by registering at the registration desk in the Ballroom Lobby. These will take place on Friday night. There are a limited number of slots available, so come prepared and sign up early.
Car pooling is requested, especially for the operating sessions, so that we don't fill up the street with all of our cars.
Each layout's description specifies which type of visit the owner has opened his layout up for. You may find the descriptions here .