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Pennsylvania Railroad
Technical and Historical Society

Members: If you are having trouble logging in, view this tutorial video for help: Login Tutorial

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Who is Club Express? What about Privacy?

The Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society has contracted with Club Express to maintain our member database and record all member financial transactions. Club Express is an Internet based service provider for many non-profit organizations, and they have implemented stringent processes to protect member data. They are compliant with the more challenging EU personal data protection requirements. While Club Express will have access to member data in order to provide technical support to our members, they will not share this information with any other organization. And PRRT&HS will not share your personal information with any other organization.

The society has reviewed Club Express's security and privacy standards and is confident that your personal information is properly protected, and likely is more secure than the manual sharing of electronic member data that is often shared among the officials of other volunteer organizations through e-mail, memory sticks and shared files.

By using Club Express, if you leave the society, you now have the option to have all of your personal information deleted, a legal requirement that few volunteer organizations can satisfy as they retain old member lists in Excel and other electronic formats.

Who can see my personal information?

Limited portions of your member data will appear in the PRRT&HS membership directory that is only visible to our members, but you can limit how much information is displayed in the directory, or you can opt out of the directory entirely if you so desire. By default only your name and town are listed in the directory. Our hope is the directory would become a tool for members of similar interests to find each other, but that is up to each member.

If you want to be removed from the member directory, you have two options:

1) You can log into your PRRT&HS account and in your member profile you can select the setting that removes you from the member directory.

2) If you do not want to enable your web account, you can contact the membership coordinator via e-mail and request that they remove you from the directory. That e-mail can be found under the "Contact Us" main menu selection.

If you opt out of the directory, only the officers of the society will have access to your personal information. (Technically our printer will have your name and address each time they mail you a Keystone or PRRT&HS store order.)

What does Logging Into my PRRT&HS web account expose?

This web site has been created within Club Express by members of the Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society. IF you elect to Login to your PRRT& account, the only additional personal information about you that will be stored in our system will be your username (which you select), password (stored securely, not even Club Express can see your password), when you last logged in, and any additional information (typically interests) you elect to enter into our system (e.g. being added to an e-mail mailing list).

The greatest risk to your privacy is using a simple password (e.g. 1361) that others can guess if they know your username.

What about my Credit Card?

When you renew your membership or place an order in our store using a credit card, that information is not retained in Club Express and is not accessible by anyone from the Society.

You do have the option to generate an invoice when you renew or place an order in our store, and then mail the invoice with your check to our check processor.

You also have the option of storing a credit card for automatic membership renewals and for store purchases, but that information is stored at a certified credit card agency that is specifically designed to protect your credit card information. The numbers are not stored at Club Express, and no one in the society has access to that information. In addition, for store orders you must still enter the card's security code.

If you have additional concerns, you can e-mail the society webmaster. The e-mail address is on the "Contact Us" page under the main menu heading "Web Site"

Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
Copyright 2023 PRRT&HS, All Rights reserved