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1st Class - Liberty & Capitol Lmtd
1st Class - Liberty & Capitol Lmtd
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US$ 75.00   
First Class to our Nations Capitol
Liberty Limited and Capitol Limited

by Frank Wrabel, 2020

Beginning in 1925, PRR and B&O stepped up their train amenities to capture luxury service patrons traveling between Washington and Chicago. Their competition soon became a war that lasted 32 years, through the Depression, WWII, and the heady Postwar period. This book captures the story of two railroads' optimism and final resignation to changing market demographics. Author Frank Wrabel tells the story of this glorious fight.

About 375 illustrations, many in color. Hardbound, Smyth sewn, 186 pages.

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Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
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